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Our Legacy Statement

A Message From Our President

The Legacy Statements of KIQ X Industries (KXI) are driven by our steadfast focus on improving the health and welfare of peoples’ lives. They are deeply rooted in our core belief system that the careful application of science and engineering can create meaningful innovative products that can improve the safety of professionals serving in dangerous wilderness zones.

KXI’s Wildertec product design objectives are focused on protecting the well-being of the communities where our products are used. We are committed to operating our business affairs with integrity, quality, professionalism, and respect for all stakeholders. These commitments are reflected in our Legacy Statements and are an integral part of our corporate goals, core values and business codes of conduct.

A true commitment to building legacy values does not have a finish line. It is about the continued pursuit of broader and more inclusive approaches to business in terms of assessing both qualitative and quantitative performance with the critical measurement of positive and negative impacts on societies that go beyond just financial metrics.

Through inclusion and consultation KXI Wildertec is committed to a continuous review and betterment of our Legacy Statements with the organizations, communities and public that may be affected by our products.

KIQ X Industries
Chris Stewart